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Gaining 10Lbs of Muscle Mass in 4 Months: User's Weight Journey

Learn how an 18-year-old Reddit user gained 10lbs of muscle mass in 4 months doing bodyweight exercises, and see what his routine and diet were.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'11" male showing a muscle gain from 150 pounds to 160 pounds. A net gain of 10 pounds.
M/18/5'11" [150lbs > 160lbs = 10lbs] Gained 10lbs of muscle mass in 4 months doing body weight exercises.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


An 18-year-old Reddit user known as BleauBoy shared his weight journey progress from 150lbs to 160lbs, where he gained 10lbs of muscle mass in just four months. His secret? Doing bodyweight exercises. BleauBoy shared his routine and diet with other users, inspiring them to try it out for themselves.

The Routine

BleauBoy's bodyweight exercise routine consisted of various exercises found in YouTube videos, particularly one from Buff Dudes. He would choose one of the exercise routines to do per day, which inspired other Reddit users to try out their own bodyweight exercise routine. Some of the routines he did were pull-ups, dips, push-ups, handstand push-ups, and leg curls. Consistency was key for BleauBoy, and he made sure to work out regularly.

The Diet

As an 18-year-old with only 7% body fat, BleauBoy was able to eat pretty much anything he wanted to. However, he also made sure to consume the necessary supplements to aid in his muscle growth. His pre-workout supplementation included a 1/2 dose of C4 amino acid, and he drank 32 oz of water while working out. Post-workout, he would consume 1 dose of creatine monohydrate, a 17-gram protein shake, a handful of pistachios, and any fruit he could find. He would also sip slowly on another 32 oz of water.

The Results

BleauBoy's bodyweight exercise routine and diet proved to be effective as he gained 10lbs of muscle mass in just four months. The Reddit post serves as not only an inspiration for others to start their own bodyweight exercise journeys but also as proof that it is possible to gain muscle mass without lifting weights. Consistency and determination were the keys to BleauBoy's success, and others can achieve similar results if they put in the effort.


The Reddit post by BleauBoy is a testament to the power of bodyweight exercises and the right diet. The young man's weight journey from 150lbs to 160lbs serves as a source of inspiration for others who want to achieve similar results. By following BleauBoy's routine and diet, anyone can make progress towards a healthier and fitter body. Consistency, determination, and the right mindset are all it takes to achieve the desired results. Get started on your own weight journey today!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.