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Weight Loss Success Story: M/22/5'11" 245>175 in 1 Year 4 Months

Read about the weight loss journey of Reddit user fittimejake who lost 70 pounds through a combination of exercise and healthy eating.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'11" male showing a weight loss from 245 pounds to 175 pounds. A net loss of 70 pounds.
M/22/5'11" 245>175 one year and four months
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user fittimejake is an inspiration to anyone planning on starting their weight loss journey. At 245 pounds, the 5'11" 22-year-old was overweight and decided to make a change. Over one year and four months, through a combination of exercise and healthy eating, he lost an impressive 70 pounds.

Lifestyle Changes

Fittimejake started by paying to do a 5k at the color run to start training. He would do the 5k almost every day, whether it was walking or running. Additionally, he repeated to himself that fast food would make him puke, which helped him avoid eating it. He ate half a cup of oatmeal every morning with peanut butter, avocado for lunch, and a chicken breast with vegetables for dinner. He focused on eating for sustenance rather than enjoyment.


Fittimejake lost a total of 70 pounds, dropping from 245 pounds to 175 pounds over one year and four months. He went from a pant size of 38 to 32. He reports that he has not bought new pants because he is a college student and food is more important.


Fittimejake's story shows that anyone can achieve their weight loss goals with commitment and steady progress. His dedication to training and healthy eating is commendable. It is essential to set achievable targets and focus on building good habits rather than quick fixes. His story is a reminder that slow progress is still progress and success is achievable.


In conclusion, fittimejake's story is a testament to anyone who started their weight loss journey or is planning to. It is necessary to focus on setting achievable targets and develop healthy habits. Additionally, commending oneself and working on building the commitment to the plan is essential. There is no one definitive approach to achieving healthy weight loss, so it is essential to try different things and see what works best for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.