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55 Lbs in 13 Months: My Surprising Weight Loss Journey

Read about this Reddit user's unexpected 55 lb weight loss over 13 months in this scientific article. Try it out for yourself!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'9" male showing a weight loss from 200 pounds to 145 pounds. A net loss of 55 pounds.
M/27/5'9" [200lbs > 145lbs - down 55lbs in 13 months] I never thought my weight loss was noticable until I found this "before" pic from last year
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user Bugxbuster, a 27-year-old male, 5'9" tall, went from 200lbs to 145lbs in 13 months. What is surprising about his weight loss journey is that he was not actively trying to lose weight. In this article, we will explore his story and uncover helpful tips that everyone could use to shed their extra pounds.

The Start of the Journey

Bugxbuster never thought his weight loss was noticeable until he stumbled upon a "before" photo from last year. He mentioned he had stopped eating so much junk food and started being careful about what he ate without a specific goal in mind. It worked, and the results speak for themselves. Trading in unhealthy options for healthy, nutrient-rich foods and raising your overall activity level is the key to a successful weight loss plan.

An Unexpected Journey

Bugxbuster's journey is inspiring as he was not looking to lose weight, yet he managed to drop an impressive 55lbs over 13 months. It highlights how small, lasting changes in eating habits and regular exercise can lead to unexpected, positive results. He did not put in any extreme effort, and his experience shows that there is no need to be drastic or resort to unsafe methods to achieve the desired outcome.

Positive Comments

Bugxbuster's progress pictures on Reddit have gained positive feedback, not just from strangers who admire his achievement but also his admirers. The comments range from compliments for his peak blue colored eyes to suggestive flirting. As much as we want to appreciate the compliments and reactions, the focus should instead be on what leads to a healthier and more fulfilling life: making better lifestyle choices.


Bugxbuster's weight loss journey underscores the importance of making small, gradual changes to our lifestyle. We don't need to take dramatic measures to achieve our objectives. Instead, we should start small, focus on our diet, and get more activity. Before we know it, the results will come. So, take Bugxbuster's experience to heart, and give it a try. You never know, the results might pleasantly surprise you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.