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Unintentional Recomp: a 15 Month Weight Progression

Follow burnsred37's 15 month unintentional recomp journey from 160>150>160>150 as shared on Reddit. Learn how to create your own successful weight loss journey.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'7" man showing a weight cut from 160 pounds to 150 pounds. A total loss of 10 pounds.
M/22/5'7" 160>150>160>150. 15 months progress. Unintentional recomp!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight and gaining muscle can be a long and difficult journey. burnsred37, a 22-year-old male, experienced these ups and downs during his 15-month weight progression journey. During this period, his weight went from 160 pounds to 150 pounds and then back to 160 pounds before ultimately settling at 150 pounds. However, what is unique is that he didn't intentionally try to lose fat or gain muscle. He experienced an unintentional recomp.

Unintentional Recomp Defined

Unintentional recomp is essentially the body's natural transformation when you lose body fat and gain lean muscle simultaneously without intentionally doing so. This process can happen through changes in diet, exercise, or lifestyle. While it can be slower, more gradual, and often unpredictable than intentional recomp methods, it shows that small changes can bring about significant changes in your body.

Small Changes, Big Results

burnsred37's story shows that, even without the intention of losing weight and gaining lean muscle, small daily changes can accumulate over time to result in significant changes in one's body. By incorporating simple habits like eating more protein, incorporating more cardio, and lifting weights, the results can be powerful. Through his journey, he also learned the importance of consistency and celebrating small victories, no matter how insignificant they may seem.

Takeaway Lessons

For those seeking to lose weight and gain muscle, burnsred37's unintentional recomp journey provides valuable lessons. It shows that small daily changes that are consistent can lead to significant transformations in the body. It also emphasizes the importance of celebrating small milestones and victories, and not getting too bogged down by setbacks. Overall, his journey illustrates that it's not always necessary to follow rigid diets or workout plans to make changes in the body. Instead, listen to your body, pay attention to what it needs, and take time to celebrate your progress.


burnsred37's 15-month unintentional recomp journey is a powerful example of the ways in which small daily changes can lead to significant transformations in the body. Through his experiences, he was able to demonstrate the power of consistency, celebrating small victories, and making small changes to achieve results. For those seeking to lose weight and gain muscle, his journey offers valuable lessons and strategies that can be applied to their own personal journey.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.