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Bicycling and Better Choices Lead to 30Lb Weight Loss in 12 Months

A 32-year-old man's weight loss journey from 230 to 200 pounds through bicycling and better choices. Find out how he did it and see his face progress photos.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'11" male showing a weight reduction from 230 pounds to 200 pounds. A net loss of 30 pounds.
M/32/5'11" [230 > 200 = 30 lbs] (12 mos) Face progress over the last year of bicycling and better choices
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A 32-year-old Reddit user, benbrandt22, recently shared his weight loss journey from 230 to 200 pounds in 12 months through bicycling and making better choices with his diet. He credits his love for cycling for finding a form of exercise that he enjoys and has been able to stick to for the past 2 years.

Bicycling and Better Choices

Benbrandt22 shared that he enjoys commuting by bike in the warmer months and has been taking on longer distances lately. He recently rode 75 miles in a day and completed a 36-mile event. In addition to bicycling, he made better choices with his diet and exercised more to achieve his weight loss goals.

The Results

Benbrandt22's progress photos show a visible difference in his face after losing 30 pounds in 12 months. He attributes his success to finding a form of exercise that he enjoys and making better choices with his diet. His experience serves as a testament to the fact that finding an enjoyable form of exercise and making healthier choices can lead to long-term weight loss success.

Words of Encouragement

Benbrandt22's weight loss journey should serve as inspiration for others looking to lose weight. Finding an activity you enjoy and making small, sustainable changes in your diet can make a big difference. Whether it's bicycling, hiking, or swimming, finding an activity you love can make it easier to stick to a regular exercise routine. Benbrandt22's success shows that it's never too late to start making healthier choices.


Through bicycling and better choices, benbrandt22 was able to lose 30 pounds in 12 months and experience visible changes in his face. His weight loss journey serves as inspiration for anyone looking to make healthier choices and find an enjoyable form of exercise. Remember, small, sustainable changes can lead to long-term success.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.