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A 21 Year Old Redditor Loses 35 Pounds: a Weight Loss Journey

Read the inspiring weight-loss journey of a 21-year-old Redditor as she loses 35 pounds in her journey from 170lbs to 135lbs.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a weight cut from 170 pounds to 135 pounds. A net loss of 35 pounds.
F/21/5'5". 170lbs> 135lbs= 35 lbs.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Setting Her Goal: From 170lbs to 135lbs

At 21 years old, a determined Reddit user known as [deleted] achieved an admirable feat of losing 35 pounds. Initially weighing at 170lbs and standing at 5'5", she had set herself the goal of losing weight to weigh just 135lbs.

A Combination of Exercise and Diet

With a balanced approach of doing cardio exercises and adopting a healthier diet, [deleted] showed that losing weight was possible without resorting to any extreme measures. She emphasized the importance of being consistent with workouts and making sure to incorporate enough protein and whole foods in her meals.

Patience and Persistence Pay Off

The weight loss journey of [deleted] was not easy, but she attributes her success to being patient and persistent. She didn't expect an overnight transformation and instead focused on making small, but meaningful changes that she could sustain. Rewards came slowly but surely, and after a few months, she was able to shed pounds and keep them off.

Results Achieved through Discipline and Motivation

The discipline and motivation shown by [deleted] is commendable. She encouraged others struggling with weight issues to set realistic goals and appreciate their progress no matter how small. Her hard work and dedication to her body have paid off, giving her a healthier lifestyle, more confidence, and a positive outlook on life.

The Takeaway

The story of [deleted] is a reminder that weight loss is achievable through discipline, motivation, and making small, but consistent changes. While results may take time, persistence and patience can lead to significant rewards. If you're on the same journey, stay focused on your goals, be proud of small wins, and don't let setbacks define you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.