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M/22/5’8” Achieves Natural Transformation by Gaining 10Lbs in 2 Months

Follow xMiy0x's fitness journey as he shares his 2-month progress of working out at home, taking supplements, and eating at a caloric deficit.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'8" man showing a weight gain from 170 pounds to 180 pounds. A respectable gain of 10 pounds.
M/22/5'8" [170lbs > 180lbs = 10lbs] 2 Month Natural Transformation
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


xMiy0x, a 22-year-old Hispanic male, shares his 2-month natural transformation journey on Reddit. He documents his progress of gaining 10lbs by working out at home, taking supplements, and eating at a slight caloric deficit.

Workout Routine and Supplements

xMiy0x's workout routine consists of PPL (push, pull, legs) that he does twice a week, with a rest day in between. He also takes Creatine, Whey Isolate Protein, and Pre-Workout supplements. He emphasizes that his transformation is natural and achieved without the use of any performance-enhancing drugs or steroid supplements.

Background and Experience

xMiy0x has multiple gym experiences from three separate times. He started his first gym experience from August to October 2018. His second time around was from January to April 2020. And his recent and final time was from May to September 2021.

Extra Comments

xMiy0x has been taking 15-second videos on TikTok every day since he started his fitness journey. He hopes to achieve his 155lb weight goal by the 6-month mark. His natural transformation shows the importance of consistent workout routines, proper nutrition, and supplements. However, he emphasizes that everyone's body is unique, and results may vary.


xMiy0x's 2-month natural transformation journey reflects on the positive transformation that can be achieved with dedication, hard work, and proper supplements. While his journey provides inspiration, readers should understand that everyone's body has different requirements, and a similar progress outcome may not be guaranteed. It is essential to follow a specific routine that works best for you and consulting with a certified trainer or nutritionist before starting your fitness journey.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.