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A 25 Pound Weight Loss Journey: How a Reddit User's Progress Pics Help Lift Their Spirit

Discover how Reddit user, doctorskeleton, shed 25 pounds in 5 months, with progress pics as a motivator, and tips to try for yourself.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'5" woman showing a fat loss from 220 pounds to 195 pounds. A total loss of 25 pounds.
F/24/5’5” [220lbs < 195lbs = 25lbs ] (Roughly 5 months) Been feeling really down, but making these pics really helped me see the progress I’ve been making. First goal was under 200, second goal is only 15lbs away. I’m most self conscious about my back, so it’s neat to see it slowly shrinking!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The journey and progress

Doctorskeleton, a 24-year-old female, made a weight loss progress post on Reddit, sharing a 25-pound weight loss journey. Doctorskeleton's journey took about 5 months, starting from 220 lbs going down to 195 lbs. The user is keen on setting small goals, with the first being under 200 lbs, and the second being only 15 lbs away. And admittedly, looking at progress pictures helps keep the motivation even when feeling down.

The role of progress pictures

Doctorskeleton's post exemplifies how progress pictures, can help lift spirits and boost motivation. While it's essential to remember that weight loss is not a linear process, progress photos document progress and showcase how far a person has come. Like doctorskeleton, taking weekly or bi-weekly progress pictures against a consistent background and lighting, can be helpful in tracking weight loss.

Tips to try at home

Doctorskeleton’s post serves as a source of inspiration for anyone on their weight loss journey. If you’re feeling a bit sluggish, try setting small goals or creating visuals of your progress to keep you motivated. Another tip is to try out different exercises and find routines that you enjoy. Doctorskeleton attributes their weight loss success to low-carb and high-protein meal options and increasing water intake throughout the day, which has been scientifically shown to increase metabolism.

The importance of being gentle with oneself

Weight loss journeys can be long and challenging, but it’s crucial to be gentle with yourself. It’s okay to indulge in a treat, as long as it’s done in moderation. It’s also essential to find a support system, whether it’s through friends or an online community. Anticipate setbacks, and learn from them. Remember, small changes can lead to significant results if done consistently over time.

The takeaway

Doctorskeleton’s post illustrates that progress pictures have a significant impact on weight loss journeys, and setting small goals can be effective. It’s important to remember that a healthy lifestyle is a long-term commitment and that every journey is unique. By making small, consistent changes, anyone can make progress and achieve their goals, like doctorskeleton.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.