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How One Reddit User Lost 10 Pounds in 4 Months by Cutting out Snacking and Tracking Protein

Read about a Reddit user's weight loss journey and how they cut out snacking and upped protein through a nutrition app to lose 10 pounds in 4 months.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'8" woman showing a weight cut from 165 pounds to 155 pounds. A total loss of 10 pounds.
F/28/5’8” [165lbs >155lbs = 10lbs] (4 months) cut out snacking and started tracking my snacks and upping protein as a result of beta testing a nutrition app.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user rugbybackliner shares their weight loss journey on the platform after losing 10 pounds in just four months. They attribute their success to cutting out snacking and tracking their protein intake through a beta-tested nutrition app.

Cutting Out Snacking

Rugbybackliner's main strategy for weight loss was to cut out snacking between meals. They found that portions for their three main meals didn't necessarily change, but by cutting out unnecessary snacking, they were able to create a calorie deficit and lose weight.

Tracking Protein Intake

In addition to cutting out snacking, rugbybackliner also started tracking their protein intake through a nutrition app they were beta testing. They found that upping their protein intake helped them feel fuller longer and also aided in muscle growth during workouts.

Community Support

Rugbybackliner received support from the Reddit community in the form of congratulatory comments on their weight loss progress. They also used the platform to answer questions from other users and share their tips and tricks for successful weight loss.


Losing weight can be a daunting task, but rugbybackliner's journey shows that it's possible to achieve real results through small, sustainable changes. By cutting out snacking and tracking protein intake, they were able to lose 10 pounds in just four months. It's important to note that weight loss strategies that work for one person may not work for another, so it's important to find what works best for you through trial and error.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.