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Successful Weight Loss Journey: Achieving Target Weight with Consistency

Discover one user's weight loss journey in achieving his target weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle through consistency and balance

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'10" man showing a fat loss from 190 pounds to 172 pounds. A total loss of 18 pounds.
M/26/5’10” [190lbs > 172lbs = down 18] My target weight was 170. I hit it and now am working on putting on muscle and tone! 7 months of consistency my friends. Really happy with the results so far!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Sad_Actuary4572, a 26-year-old male, stands at 5'10'' and lost 18 pounds in 7 months, from 190 to 172 lbs. Sad_Actuary4572 achieved his goal weight and is now working towards building muscle and toning his body. Through consistent effort and an overall healthy lifestyle, he offers valuable insight and tips to those looking to lose weight.

Consistency is Key

Sad_Actuary4572 cooked almost 95% of his meals and stayed consistent with his workout routine. Losing weight is not an overnight process, and he had days where he saw no progress. He emphasizes that progress pictures every month are essential because it's easy to get discouraged. By staying consistent, having a schedule, and pushing yourself further, anyone can achieve their target weight.

Moderation is Important

While fast results are a significant motivator, Sad_Actuary4572 understands that cutting everything out entirely is not always feasible. He suggests finding a balance in everything, including workouts and nutrition, by practicing moderation. Sad_Actuary4572 cut off alcohol, beer, and weed, which led to faster results but decreased happiness. He doesn't drink every night but enjoys beer now and then. Changing workouts and routes keeps everything exciting and takes away monotony.

Mental Health Matters

One of the most crucial steps is figuring out why you want to change physically and setting goals. Sad_Actuary4572 believes that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not just about working out, but also about finding happiness in oneself. He lost 18 pounds, and looking great doesn't necessarily mean feeling great. It's essential to determine why you're in the journey and what you want to achieve to feel fulfilled after the weight loss process.


Sad_Actuary4572's journey highlights the importance of finding balance, being consistent, and staying motivated throughout. To anyone attempting the weight loss journey, he suggests cooking, finding exciting ways to exercise, pushing boundaries, and of course, finding happiness within oneself.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.