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M/18/6’0 188Lbs to 178Lbs in 2 Months: a Weight Loss Journey

Read about one Reddit user's weight loss journey, including gym workouts, push-ups, and a keto diet, and learn tips for continuing progress.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'0" male showing a weight reduction from 188 pounds to 178 pounds. A total loss of 10 pounds.
M/18/6’0 [188lbs>178lbs<182lbs=6lbs] 2 months of gym, 2M of push-ups, 2M of keto and finally 2M of push-ups. I also grew about 2 inches in between, I was just really proud of my progress and needed to show someone.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One Reddit user, Unfair-Benefit-9225, has made significant progress in their weight loss journey over the past two months. Starting at 188lbs, they have managed to lose around 10lbs while also growing about 2 inches taller. Their journey involved a combination of gym workouts, push-ups, and a keto diet.

The Routine

Unfair-Benefit-9225's weight loss routine consisted of two months of gym workouts and push-ups, as well as two months of following a keto diet. They were able to lose about 6lbs during the two months of keto and increased their exercise intensity over time.

Expert Tips

One user, TrainingByTricky, suggested that Unfair-Benefit-9225 should lift heavier weights and refine their diet to continue seeing progress. They recommended switching between strength and hypertrophy based workouts as well. CozyTime also suggested finding a balanced, protein-rich diet that is sustainable long-term, along with some weightlifting for more progress.

Benefits of Exercise and Diet

Aside from the physical benefits, Unfair-Benefit-9225 noted that they felt more energized and confident after implementing their weight loss routine. The mental benefits of regular exercise and a healthy diet are well documented and extends beyond just physical appearance. Even small changes in exercise and diet can have impactful changes upon mood, mental health and even cognitive performance.


Unfair-Benefit-9225's weight loss journey serves as an inspiration for those looking to start their own journey to a healthier life. It is important to remember that weight-loss and getting fit is fine balance of both exercise and good nutrition. It requires time, effort and patience to see sustainable changes but even the small changes can make a big impact over the long run.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.