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Combination of Weightlifting, Nourishing Eating, and Therapy for Weight Loss and Overcoming Ptsd

Read about a Reddit user's weight journey from 140lbs to 120lbs, through eating healthily, weightlifting, and addressing childhood PTSD.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'4" woman showing a weight cut from 140 pounds to 120 pounds. A total loss of 20 pounds.
F/28/5’4 [140 > 120 = 20lbs] combination of weightlifting, eating to nourish myself, and going to therapy for PTSD 🤗
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Transforming one’s body is a difficult feat that requires discipline, commitment, and patience. But when combined with the challenges of overcoming psychological and emotional trauma, it becomes even more daunting. One Reddit user, Rich-Note-5617, took on this challenge by losing 20lbs through a combination of weightlifting, eating nourishing meals, and attending therapy for childhood PTSD.

Approach to Weight Loss

Rich-Note-5617 approached weight loss with a focus on nourishing herself rather than depriving herself of food. By choosing healthier options, learning to cook, and eating three meals a day, she was able to fuel her body for the physical demands of weightlifting. This approach not only helped her to lose weight but also provided her with a sense of control and helped her to develop a healthier mindset towards food.

Weightlifting for Strength

Weightlifting was a crucial part of Rich-Note-5617's transformation. Her goal was to become stronger, rather than just losing weight. By focusing on strength training, she was able to increase her muscle mass, which not only helped in burning fat but also provided her with the mental fortitude to tackle her challenges. Regular workouts helped her to cope with stress, anxiety, and flashbacks that were a part of her PTSD struggle.

Addressing PTSD through Therapy

Childhood PTSD affected Rich-Note-5617's life in many ways, including her relationship with food, body image, and exercise. Realizing this, she sought help from a professional therapist as part of her journey to transform her life. Therapy allowed her to address the root cause of her emotional distress, learn coping skills, and reframe her belief systems. This helped her to regain control over her life, leading to better mental and physical health.


Rich-Note-5617's journey to weight loss and overcoming PTSD is an inspiration to anyone struggling with mental health issues, and the desire to transform their body. By choosing to nourish herself with healthier options, lifting weights to gain strength, and seeking professional help, she was able to transform her life. Everyone's journey is different, but her experience is proof that becoming the best version of yourself is possible if you commit to healthier habits, learn to cope with adversities, and surround yourself with positivity.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.