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Male Teen Gains 22 Pounds in 1 Year: Fitness Journey on Reddit

Follow Ahwaggy's year-long journey of bulking with resistance training and body-weight exercises, as he shares his progress and tackles depression.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'1" male showing a weight bulk from 143 pounds to 165 pounds. A respectable gain of 22 pounds.
[Progress] Male, 18, 6'1: 143-165. 1 Year
Originally posted on /r/gainit


Ahwaggy, a male teen of 18, began his fitness journey one year ago at 143 pounds. Battling depression and poor nutrition, he turned to Reddit's r/Fitness for motivation and support. Over the course of twelve months, he added 22 pounds of mass to his 6'1" frame with a combination of resistance training and bodyweight exercises.

Fitness Progress with Resistance Training

Despite struggling with depression, Ahwaggy hit the gym four times a week, focusing on compound lifts such as squats, bench press, and deadlifts. He also did body-weight exercises to boost his conditioning. As a result, Ahwaggy gained noticeable mass in his lats and biceps, with an increase of 1.5-2 inches on his arms, despite limited gains in other areas. Although he felt he could have done better, he remained optimistic and committed to bulking up.

Nutrition and Diet Tips

Ahwaggy credited his progress to his diet, which he modified according to the advice he found on r/Fitness. He increased his calorie intake to around 3,000 kcal per day, which included protein-heavy meals with lean meat, eggs, and dairy products. He also snacked on peanut butter sandwiches and took whey protein supplements for an extra boost. Despite some negative feedback on his progress photos from Reddit users, Ahwaggy remained motivated and focused on his gains.

Fitness, Body, and Mental Health

Ahwaggy didn't just gain muscle mass, but also improved his mental health through exercise. In his Reddit post, he shared his struggle with depression, but emphasized how lifting weights and body-weight exercises helped him stay on track and release stress. He also received support and encouragement from other users, who recommended self-help books and therapy for depression. Ahwaggy expressed gratitude for these interactions and continued to share his journey.


Ahwaggy's fitness journey on Reddit is a testament to the transformative power of exercise and the supportive community online. His progress may not be dramatic to some, but it reflects his consistent effort and commitment to self-improvement. As he prepares for another year of bulking, Ahwaggy hopes to inspire others with his story and encourage them to pursue their fitness goals, even if progress is slow. With patience, determination, and the right resources, anyone can make gains like Ahwaggy did.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.