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Success Story: a 21 Year Old Male's Journey to Bulking Up

This Reddit user's post chronicles his journey towards building muscle and gaining weight, providing insights and motivation for readers looking to do the same.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'8" male showing a snapshot of 163 pounds at a height of 5'8
A before and after photo of a 5'8" male showing a snapshot of 163 pounds at a height of 5'8
A before and after photo of a 5'8" male showing a snapshot of 163 pounds at a height of 5'8
A before and after photo of a 5'8" male showing a snapshot of 163 pounds at a height of 5'8
Completion: 21 / Male / 5'8"/ 163lb / Bulking
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


Weight loss or gain can be a difficult journey for anyone, but for this 21-year-old male, it was a journey worth taking. After reaching his desired weight, he decided to start bulking up to build muscle and tone his body.

Starting Point

At 5'8" and 163lb, this Reddit user began his journey by creating a meal plan that would provide him with the necessary nutrients to bulk up. He also started a workout regimen focusing on lifting weights and resistance training.

Progress and Setbacks

This user's post details his progress over several months, including the gains he made in terms of muscle mass and strength. However, he also acknowledges setbacks, such as feeling unmotivated at times and realizing that bulking up requires a significant amount of discipline.

Lessons Learned

Throughout his journey, this Reddit user learned several valuable lessons. First, he emphasizes the importance of tracking progress and staying committed to a regimen. He also notes that it's essential to find a meal plan and workout routine that fits one's lifestyle and preferences. Finally, he points out that it's okay to take breaks and adjust plans as needed.


This user's journey towards bulking up provides a valuable example for anyone looking to improve their physical health and fitness. By creating an effective meal plan, following a consistent workout regimen, and staying motivated, it's possible to see significant progress over time. If you're looking to undertake a similar journey, take some inspiration from this Reddit user's success story and start experimenting with what works for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.