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28 Year Old Man Successfully Cuts Weight to 190Lbs: His Journey

Follow this 28-year-old man's complete weight loss journey as he shares his progress of losing weight and cutting from 210lbs to 190lbs.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'0" male showing a snapshot of 190 pounds at a height of 6'0
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a snapshot of 190 pounds at a height of 6'0
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a snapshot of 190 pounds at a height of 6'0
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a snapshot of 190 pounds at a height of 6'0
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a snapshot of 190 pounds at a height of 6'0
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a snapshot of 190 pounds at a height of 6'0
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a snapshot of 190 pounds at a height of 6'0
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a snapshot of 190 pounds at a height of 6'0
Complete: 28 / M / 6'0" / 190lbs / Cutting
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


Losing weight can be a challenging task for anyone, but with a strong motivation and determination, anything can be achieved. This was the case for a 28-year-old man who goes by the username 'bodytransformationfa' on Reddit.

Starting Point

At the beginning of his journey, he weighed 210lbs and was determined to make a change. He started by tracking his calorie intake and used the MyFitnessPal app to monitor his progress. He also began to incorporate strength training and cardio exercises into his routine.

Cutting Weight

After successfully losing 20lbs, he decided to take it a step further and begin cutting. He reduced his calorie intake and increased his cardio and weightlifting frequency. Despite the challenges, he was able to cut his weight down to 190lbs, which was his goal weight.

Lessons Learned

Throughout his journey, 'bodytransformationfa' learned many valuable lessons about weight loss and fitness. He discovered that consistency and discipline are crucial for success and that progress should be measured beyond the number on the scale. He also emphasized the importance of finding a support system, whether it be friends or online communities like Reddit.


This weight loss journey is proof that with the right mindset and a willingness to put in the effort, anyone can achieve their goals. 'Bodytransformationfa' is an inspiration to anyone looking to make positive changes in their life. His journey serves as a reminder that even the smallest steps can lead to significant progress towards weight loss and fitness goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.