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How I Lost 56Lbs and Got in Shape: a 10 Month Weight Loss Journey

Read about the inspiring journey of Entrefilet, who lost 56lbs in just 10 months by quitting smoking, cutting down on drinking, and getting in shape through exercise and a healthy diet.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'10" man showing a fat loss from 230 pounds to 174 pounds. A respectable loss of 56 pounds.
M/40/5'10 [230lbs > 174lbs = 56lbs] (10 months). I year ago I got fired. I then stopped smoking, cut the drinking way back and got in shape
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


In just 10 months, Reddit user Entrefilet lost a whopping 56lbs and got in shape. How did he do it? By quitting smoking, cutting down on drinking, and adopting a healthy lifestyle through exercise and a balanced diet.

The Starting Point

At the beginning of his weight loss journey, Entrefilet weighed 230lbs and had a BMI of 32.9, which put him in the obese category. However, losing weight wasn't his only goal. He also wanted to quit smoking and cut back on drinking. Losing weight was just a bonus.

The Journey

Entrefilet's weight loss journey included 5 days of lifting and 1 or 2 runs (5k, sometimes 7-9km) per week. His routine also included a calorie-controlled and balanced diet. He counted his calories to make sure that he created a calorie deficit to lose weight. Though he faced plateaus along the way, he persevered and stuck with his program and eventually broke through the plateau each time.

The Results

After 10 months, Entrefilet's hard work paid off, and he lost 56lbs, dropping his BMI to 24.8. Not only that, he feels healthier and more energetic. He has also inspired many people on Reddit who have commented on his post with their own journeys and how he has motivated them to keep going.


Losing weight and getting in shape is not easy, but it is possible, as Entrefilet has shown. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, quitting unhealthy habits, and following a balanced diet and exercise routine, anyone can achieve their weight-loss goals. It's important to remember that plateaus are a common part of the journey, but by sticking to your program and focusing on calorie counting, you will eventually break through them. Age is just a number, and anyone can make a change at any point in their life.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.