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From 205Lbs to 155Lbs: a Teenager's Weight Loss Journey

A 17-year-old shares his weight loss progress of 50lbs over 14 months. Read about his diet, workout routine, and mindset towards food and exercise.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'0" male showing a weight cut from 205 pounds to 155 pounds. A net loss of 50 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 6'0" male showing a weight cut from 205 pounds to 155 pounds. A net loss of 50 pounds.
M/17/6'0 [205lbs > 155 = 50lbs] (14 Months ) Never stop progressing, stay strong ! ( Possibly NSFW - Shirtless )
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One Reddit user, Vlaskey, shared his impressive weight loss transformation on the forum, which has garnered recognition and appreciation from the Reddit community with 60 upvotes and encouraging comments. In his post, Vlaskey shared that he lost 50 pounds over the course of 14 months at the age of 17, which is incredible dedication and effort for such a young individual.

Nutrition and Diet

Vlaskey, who used to obsessively track his macronutrient intake, now follows the Leangains and carb cycling method. He also practices intermittent fasting and eats only between 2-6 pm. He consumes high fat and high protein meals on his rest days, whereas on workout days, he eats high protein and high carb diets, and low-fat meals. Moreover, he consumes approximately 1400-1600 kcal on rest days with a 400-kcal deficit, and 1600-1800 kcal on workout days, where the deficit is around 200 kcal.

Workout Routine

Vlaskey experimented with different exercises but ultimately found a regimen that worked for him. His routine includes mondays as chest, triceps, and shoulders day, wednesday being legs day, thursday for traps, biceps, and back exercises, and saturday being a full upper body workout day. He rests on tuesdays, fridays, and sundays. He also shared in the forum that he sometimes plays video games for 5+ hours, but unlike before, he now has a balanced lifestyle.

Mindset and Motivation

Losing weight is a consistent effort, which varies from person to person. It can cause mental fatigue, physical exhaustion, and affect one's self-esteem. Vlaskey's post also showcases his motivation and positive outlook. He stated that he focuses on being on a deficit and remaining consistent in his workout routine. He also allows himself to enjoy occasional junk food but doesn't overdo it. He advises that people should not stress about eating junk food; however, focus on how much of it they consume regularly.


Vlaskey's weight loss transformation provides evidence that dedication and consistent effort can lead to a healthier lifestyle. His story proves that weight loss is a personal journey that requires combining positive psychological attitude, effective exercise routine, and a healthy diet. His approach can inspire individuals that consistency and diligence are the keys to a successful weight loss journey.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.