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From 190Lbs to 170Lbs: a Story of Losing and Gaining Weight

Read about peptidyl's 10-month journey of losing and gaining weight, along with their exercise routine and diet changes.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 6'0" man showing a fat loss from 190 pounds to 159 pounds. A net loss of 31 pounds.
M/22/6' [190lbs > 159lbs > 170 lbs = 31lbs lost 11lbs gained] (10 months) I got tired of looking like a little boy, just getting started!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


In a span of 10 months, Reddit user peptidyl went from weighing 190lbs to 159lbs, then gained back 11lbs to weigh 170lbs. Despite the weight gain, peptidyl's overall progress is impressive - losing 31lbs and achieving a healthy BMI of 21.6.

Diet Changes

Peptidyl's weight loss journey began with a simple change in their diet. For three months, they cut their food intake in half and ran a mile or two every morning before breakfast. Soon, they saw improvements in their body and decided to take it up a notch by going to the gym. Peptidyl admits that keeping a food diary and sticking to smaller portions helped them lose weight.

Exercise Routine

Peptidyl's exercise routine involves a mix of cardio and light resistance training. They begin with barbell curls, bench press, positive and negative incline, tricep pull downs, and overhead extension. Next, they do bicep curls on a cable fly machine, followed by 30 crunches - 10 of which are weighted. Finally, peptidyl does the military press and ends the routine by rowing 1000m as quickly as they can. They do this routine every other day.

Lessons Learned

Peptidyl shares that their weight loss and fitness journey has made them feel better overall. They learned that persistence and discipline are key to achieving their goals. Additionally, peptidyl found a way to workout that fit their busy schedule, taking only an hour or so to complete their routine.


Peptidyl's journey shows that a combination of a well-balanced diet and a consistent exercise routine can lead to impressive results. While their routine may not work for everyone, peptidyl's determination to improve their health is something we can all learn from. Try different things, find what works for you, and stay persistent!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.