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Recovering From Bulimia: a 20 Year Old's Journey to a Healthy Weight

A 20-year old woman's journey to recovery after gaining 50 pounds while battling bulimia. Her journey led her to a healthier lifestyle!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'6" woman showing a weight cut from 155 pounds to 135 pounds. A total loss of 20 pounds.
F/20/5'6'' [155>135=20] (3 months) Gained 50 pounds while recovering from bulimia, finally learned how to live a healthy life
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Battling with eating disorders can take a toll on one's mental and physical health. One Reddit user, mikaelamosch, shared her journey of recovering from bulimia and gaining a healthy amount of weight after dropping down to 155 pounds. After three months, she managed to achieve a weight of 135 pounds, and most importantly, became healthier and happier.

Gaining weight for a healthier body

Mikaelamosch shared that she gained 50 pounds while she was battling bulimia. However, after realizing the impact her eating disorder had on her body, mind, and soul – she decided to work towards a healthier life. This involved adopting healthy habits and changing her mindset toward food and her body. Slowly but steadily, mikaelamosch started to gain weight and recover from her disorder.

Embracing a healthy lifestyle

Throughout her recovery journey, she started to embrace healthy lifestyle habits such as exercising regularly and consuming nutritious meals that fueled her body. These healthy habits helped her to build a healthier relationship with herself and the food she consumed.

A journey worth sharing

Mikaelamosch's journey is undoubtedly a journey worth sharing, especially for those who are struggling with similar issues. Eating disorders can take a hefty toll on one's mental and physical health, but seeking help and adopting a healthy lifestyle can make a huge difference. Her story serves as an inspiration to those who are looking for hope and motivation to recover and work towards a healthier life.


In conclusion, mikaelamosch's journey to recovery after battling bulimia and gaining a healthy amount of weight is an inspiration to others. Adopting healthy habits, working towards developing a better relationship with oneself, and embracing a healthy lifestyle can make a difference in one's physical and mental health. Remember that a journey to a healthier life begins with a single step, so take that step today!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.