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Tracking Your Calories: a Journey to a Healthier Self

Read about a Reddit user's weight loss journey through tracking his calories, losing 12 lbs within 1.5 months. Learn some tips along the way.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'11" male showing a weight loss from 174 pounds to 162 pounds. A respectable loss of 12 pounds.
M/23/5'11" [174>162=12lbs] (1.5 months) Decided to finally buckle down and track calories. Gotta keep it up!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Importance of Tracking Your Calories

For some individuals, tracking your calories may be an overwhelming process, but it's necessary to gain control over your food intake. It allows you to be mindful of what you eat, how much you eat, and how it affects your body. In the journey to achieving a healthier self, tracking calories is one of the most effective ways to hit a weight loss goal.

An Inspiring Journey

Take a look at CrazyLegsG's journey, who lost 12 lbs within 1.5 months through tracking his calories. For the first few weeks, he started off by eating at a 300-350 calorie deficit, then moved up to a 500 deficit. Throughout his journey, he learned about his body and the amount of effort needed to maintain a healthy body weight.

The Power of Visual Goals

One of the most inspiring moments of CrazyLegsG's journey is inspiring a reader to establish visual goals. He received a compliment for his defined shoulders and clavicles, which gave the reader a glimpse of what he wants to look like. Setting up visual goals can help establish a clear vision of what you want to achieve, which can motivate you to stay on track.

Cheat Meals: A Trick to Sustain Motivation

Cheat meals can be your tool to combat diet fatigue, which can be motivational barriers. For CrazyLegsG, cheat meals provided a sense of relief from the strict calorie deficit while keeping him motivated to stick to his plan. Having a treat after a hard week’s work can motivate you to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the months to come.


Tracking calories can be an effective and sustainable approach to achieving a healthier self. It helps align your calorie intake with your individual weight loss goal. Learning the right way to lose weight takes time and persistence. Like CrazyLegsG’s journey, this journey could probably take a while, but you're closer to your goal each day. Try it out for yourself and see the results of how controlling your calorie intake and having clear goals can change your health and outlook on life.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.