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One Woman's 7Lb Weight Loss Journey in 2 Months

Follow one woman's progress in her journey towards a bikini-ready body. Learn about her healthy lifestyle changes and exercise habits.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'4" female showing a weight loss from 142 pounds to 136 pounds. A total loss of 6 pounds.
F/21/5'4" [142-136= 7lbs] (2 months) Just trying to get that bikini bod
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


For many people, the thought of shedding excess weight can be daunting. However, a Reddit user going by the handle '[deleted]' is showing that small changes in diet and exercise can yield significant results. Over the course of two months, this 21-year-old woman has lost 7lbs and is well on her way to her goal of a bikini-ready body.

Dietary Changes

A big part of [deleted]'s weight loss journey has been making smart choices when it comes to food. She says that reducing snacking and avoiding sugary drinks has made a major difference. In addition, she has cut down on portion sizes and has swapped processed foods for whole grains and lean protein sources. These changes have not only helped her shed pounds but have also given her more energy for workouts.

Exercise Habits

In addition to making dietary changes, [deleted] has also been working up a sweat. She has been going to the gym regularly and mixing up her routine between cardio and strength training exercises. Her workouts have included running on the treadmill, lifting weights, and doing bodyweight exercises like lunges and squats. By keeping her exercises varied, she has been able to keep her workouts interesting and challenging.

Staying Motivated

In order to stay motivated, [deleted] has been tracking her progress closely. She weighs herself regularly and keeps a log of her workouts and meals. She also uses motivational tools such as keeping a vision board, and she follows fitness accounts on social media for inspiration. When she's feeling unmotivated, she reminds herself of her goal and why she started her weight loss journey.


By making smart choices when it comes to diet and exercise, [deleted] has been able to make significant progress towards her goal of a bikini-ready body. Her journey serves as an inspiration to others who might be struggling with weight loss. [deleted]'s example shows that with consistent effort and focus, anyone can achieve their fitness goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.