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From 204 to 154 Lbs in 7 Months: a Keto and Weight Lifting Journey

Read about a user's 50 lbs weight loss journey through keto and weight lifting, and how it changed them.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'5" woman showing a fat loss from 204 pounds to 154 pounds. A net loss of 50 pounds.
F/40/5'5 [204 > 154 = 50 lbs] (7 mths) Progress from weight lifting + keto -- I'm really happy with the change in my arms
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


At 40 years old, a Reddit user, saransedai, took on a challenge to transform herself by following keto and weight lifting. In 7 months, she was able to lose 50 lbs and shared her progress on Reddit.

Keto and Weight Lifting

Saransedai's journey was a result of a combination of keto and weight lifting. For those unacquainted, keto is a high-fat, low-carb diet that puts your body in a state of ketosis, which leads to rapid weight loss. Additionally, weight lifting helps build muscle and accelerate weight loss.

Positive Comments

Saransedai's success story on Reddit garnered several positive comments congratulating her on her achievements. A fellow Reddit user even pointed out that she appeared younger in her recent photos compared to her earlier ones.

Never Stop Challenging Yourself

Despite her successes, Saransedai expressed that she was not finished with her journey. With her quick achievements, Saransedai was motivated to aim higher and pursue new goals.


Saransedai's story serves as a reminder that with proper motivation, commitment, and the right combination of a healthy diet and exercise can lead to significant weight loss progress. Her story is an encouraging one for those who wish to take on similar fitness journeys.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.