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A User's 15 Pound Weight Loss Journey: F/25/5'6" From 160 to 145 Lbs

Follow this user's weight loss journey using their Reddit posts as a reference. Learn about their weight loss tips and tricks.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a fat loss from 160 pounds to 145 pounds. A respectable loss of 15 pounds.
F/25/5'6" [160 > 145 = 15lbs lost. GW: 130] Nervous first poster! Didn't notice a difference at all until I put these photos side by side.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A 25-year-old Reddit user going by the username 'theyalivedamnit' shares her weight loss journey, stating after losing 15lbs, she didn't see any noticeable difference until she compared her pictures side by side.

Exercise Routine

The user has been doing cardio exclusively, including nine miles of biking to work and back on fair weather days and running for at least 2.5 miles on non-biking days. The user's legs have the same size due to biking and running. The exercise routine has been working for them; thus, they have been able to lose 15lbs.


The user has struggled with an eating disorder in the past, so counting calories and restricting diets are not an option. However, they are mindful of portion sizes and nutritional content, keeping under 100g of carbs and no more than 45g of sugar per day. The user tries to eat dark green vegetables, chicken, eggs, has cut out pasta, but still enjoys cereal.

Tips from Other Users

Other Reddit users following a similar transformation journey provided tips to the original poster. A user 'amelioration' suggested watching the user's macros, adding strength training to cardio workouts and starting to weigh portion sizes. Another anonymous user cut out pasta, alcohol, and processed foods and eats mostly seafood and meat with vegetables, finishing it off with sugar-free jello.


The Reddit user's story serves as a reminder that weight loss progress is not always visible to the person losing the weight. Users can take these weight loss nutrition and exercise tips from the Reddit community, but it's essential to do research for oneself before trying new things. Additionally, users should consult doctors or nutritionists before starting any new diet plans or exercise routines.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.