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Weight Loss Journey: M/28/6'4" Goes From 240 to 204 in 8 Years

A 36-lbs weight loss success story following a healthy diet and workout plan for 8 years. Read one person's journey.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'4" man showing a weight reduction from 240 pounds to 204 pounds. A total loss of 36 pounds.
A photo of a 6'4" man showing a weight reduction from 240 pounds to 204 pounds. A total loss of 36 pounds.
A photo of a 6'4" man showing a weight reduction from 240 pounds to 204 pounds. A total loss of 36 pounds.
A photo of a 6'4" man showing a weight reduction from 240 pounds to 204 pounds. A total loss of 36 pounds.
A photo of a 6'4" man showing a weight reduction from 240 pounds to 204 pounds. A total loss of 36 pounds.
A photo of a 6'4" man showing a weight reduction from 240 pounds to 204 pounds. A total loss of 36 pounds.
A photo of a 6'4" man showing a weight reduction from 240 pounds to 204 pounds. A total loss of 36 pounds.
A photo of a 6'4" man showing a weight reduction from 240 pounds to 204 pounds. A total loss of 36 pounds.
M/28/6'4" [ 240>204 = 36 lbs] My progress over the past 8 years. Sorry for the time gaps.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One Reddit user, nano_nick, has shared an impressive progress report of his weight loss journey over eight years. He went from 240 lbs to 204 lbs, losing a total of 36 lbs. The highlights of his journey include his diet and workout plan. His transformation reminds us that consistency and patience are essential in achieving weight loss goals.

His Diet

The key change in nano_nick's diet was cutting out all fast food and soft drinks. He eats mostly what he loves in small portions. When he's training for a specific purpose such as a beach trip, he has a strict diet consisting of chicken breasts, brown rice, broccoli, and protein shakes. This eating plan helped him reach his goal weight and maintain a healthy weight.

His Workout Plan

Nano_nick's workout plan includes a warm-up run of one mile followed by body part-specific exercises. He focuses on back and biceps, chest and triceps, legs and core, and shoulders. He also hits chest, tris, back, and biceps twice a week. Occasionally, he rotates between all barbell and all dumbbell exercises. His workout plan is an excellent example of the importance of consistency in achieving your weight loss goals.

Comments and Questions

The comments in the Reddit thread include queries such as his body fat percentage in the first picture and his weight in a particular month. His answers show his commitment to his diet and exercise goals. Other comments offered congratulations, appreciation, and motivation.


Successfully losing weight and keeping it off requires patience and consistency with daily habits like healthy eating and exercise. Nano_nick's weight loss journey serves as a reminder that when it comes to weight loss, there is no shortcut or quick fix. Commitment to small, sustainable lifestyle changes is a successful path towards achieving healthy goals. Readers can glean ideas and inspiration from his journey and use them as a steppingstone towards their health goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.