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Man Loses 48Lbs in 5 Months with Intermittent Fasting and Weight Training

Learn how one man lost 48lbs in just 5 months with his diet and weight training routine. See his progress and get inspired to try things out yourself!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'9" male showing a weight loss from 235 pounds to 187 pounds. A net loss of 48 pounds.
m/24/5'9 235-187= 48lbs 5 months
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user cardsox shared his weight loss journey on the fitness subreddit. He started off at 235lbs and managed to lose an impressive 48lbs in just 5 months. He shared his diet and exercise routine with the community and got many positive comments.

Diet and Routine

According to cardsox, he utilized intermittent fasting, which involves not eating for 16 hours a day and then cramming all of his clean calories into an 8-hour eating window. He aimed to hit around 3200 calories a day, but most days he was lucky to hit 2500. He ate the same things every day, including baked chicken breasts, egg whites, oatmeal, and protein shakes. He cut out all sugar and limited his fat intake. As for exercise, he followed a 3-day full-body weight training routine with cardio on off-days. After losing most of the weight, he switched to a 3-day isolation split to build muscle.

The Gym Lifestyle

Cardsox emphasizes the importance of wrapping oneself up in the gym culture. He recommends watching CT Fletcher for inspiration and Broscience for laughs, but most of all, he encourages people to become part of the subculture of gym enthusiasts. He believes that getting wrapped up in the gym lifestyle has two main benefits: it makes it less likely for individuals to revert back to old habits, and it builds confidence from lifting heavier weights.


Cardsox serves as inspiration for anyone looking to lose weight and get fit. His success story is a perfect example of how diet and exercise can lead to dramatic weight loss. His utilization of intermittent fasting and weight training provides a blueprint for others to follow, but it's important for people to find what works best for them. By getting involved in the gym culture and seeking out knowledge, people can maintain the motivation and inspiration needed to achieve their fitness goals.


Cardsox's weight loss journey is a motivating reminder that it's never too late to start making changes. People who are willing to put in the effort to change their habits can achieve impressive results. By following a healthy diet and exercise routine, anyone can improve their health and fitness level. Get inspired and find what works best for you!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.