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F/24/5'5" Weight Loss Journey 206 Lbs to 157 Lbs in Just One Year

Read about a woman's inspiring yearlong weight loss journey. Her diet and fitness tips are great for anyone looking to embark on their own journey.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a weight loss from 206 pounds to 157 pounds. A total loss of 49 pounds.
A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a weight loss from 206 pounds to 157 pounds. A total loss of 49 pounds.
F/24/5'5" [206 lbs>157 lbs=49 lbs!] (About one year) I lost around 50 lbs from August 2013 to May 2014 but have hit a plateau recently so I figured I'd finally post some progress pics as motivation. My fiancé (also in the pictures) and I will be running our first half marathon this weekend!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


JRALEX, a Reddit user, shared her weight loss journey over the course of one year on the platform. She lost 49 pounds, going from 206 pounds to 157 pounds. JRALEX hit a plateau and shared her progress pictures for motivation. She mentioned that she and her fiancé will be running a half marathon. The user received over 295 upvotes and various congratulatory comments from fellow Redditors.

Tips on Diet Changes and Workouts

JRALEX shared that she had joined a gym after realizing that it was discouraging to go to student rec centers that were far away from her apartment. She also got a trainer who helped her stay organized. JRALEX changed her eating habits completely, consuming vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and whole grains. Her favorite workout was lifting weights. JRALEX often varied her workouts, doing yoga, insanity videos, and running outside. Changing things up with her exercise was an important factor in keeping her motivated.

Impact on Mental Health

JRALEX mentioned that she is a happier and healthier person now. The clothes she has bought throughout her weight loss have been more form-fitting, and she tends to stay away from baggy outfits. Fellow Redditors also mentioned that her smile has gotten bigger and her confidence has increased. The positive impacts of weight loss on mental health are significant and worth noting.

Drink More Water

One Redditor commented on JRALEX's post, advising people trying to lose weight and improve their health to drink more water. Consuming more water helps flush out excess salt and fat after workouts. Small changes in one's diet can have significant impacts on weight loss and overall health.


JRALEX's weight loss journey is impressive and inspiring. She lost around 50 pounds with a combination of a healthy diet and a varied workout routine. Her advice is helpful for anyone looking to start their own weight loss journey. Drinking more water is a simple yet effective tip that anyone can implement. The impact of weight loss on mental health and confidence is significant, and JRALEX's progress pictures demonstrate this impact perfectly.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.