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Nykkw's Journey to Achieving a Six Pack

Follow the journey of Reddit user nykkw as he navigates the world of fitness in search of his ultimate goal: a six-pack.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'9" male showing a snapshot of 145 pounds at a height of 5'9
A before and after photo of a 5'9" male showing a snapshot of 145 pounds at a height of 5'9
[GMBF] (M/21/5'09/145) I really want to get a 6pack but not sure whether to bulk or cut? BF Estimate would help too.
Originally posted on /r/guessmybf


Reddit user nykkw, a 21-year-old male standing at 5'9 and weighing 145 lbs, made a post on the GMBF subreddit inquiring about the ideal way to achieve a six-pack. He was unsure whether to bulk up or cut, and also requested an estimate of his body fat. The post garnered 2 upvotes and received responses from fellow redditors who gave him advice and recommendations.

Building Muscles

After being told that he lacked muscle mass by a fellow redditor, nykkw was advised to start with a non-retarded beginner weightlifting program that aimed to add weight to the bar or reps every week. He was recommended the Stronglifts 5x5 program, which he agreed was perfect. In reply to his query on bulking up, he was told not to worry about it and to only eat a high protein diet around or slightly above maintenance to get his noobie gains within 3-6 months, and probably lean up a bit as well.

Engaging Abs

Another redditor advised nykkw not to cut, as even with low body fat percentages, he may have lackluster abs if he has never engaged them before. The recommendation was to start a lifting program and eat around or slightly above maintenance to lean bulk. Nykkw expressed his concern regarding gaining more fat despite a clean diet when lean bulking, given that he was already at around 16% fat. He planned on gaining weight to around 165 lbs and then reducing his body fat levels since his priority was aesthetics and his desire to look lean.

Continuing the Journey

Nykkw was given valuable advice from fellow redditors on achieving his goal of getting a six-pack. His journey involves starting a weightlifting program and eating a high-protein diet around maintenance, and adding weight to the bar or reps every week. He was also advised to engage his abs through lifting, which would help enhance his core muscles. While bulking up is not the main goal, he plans on gaining weight before lean bulking to eventually reduce his body fat levels. Nykkw's journey shows that anyone can succeed when they put in the effort and time while following sound advice from experienced individuals.


Nykkw's journey is an inspiring one that showcases the importance of patience and consistency when it comes to achieving fitness goals. Through his experience, he learned that building muscles is an essential aspect of achieving a six-pack. He realized that starting with a beginner weightlifting program such as Stronglifts 5x5 would be the ideal way to build muscles. His journey also highlights the importance of engaging the abs through lifting and the significance of eating a high-protein diet. Anyone can follow in Nykkw's footsteps by starting with a beginner program and engaging in a high-protein diet to achieve their goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.