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F/24's 28 Lbs Weight Loss Journey Finding Motivation and Support

Read about the weight loss journey of a Reddit user F/24, who lost 28 lbs but hit a wall with motivation. Learn about her progress, struggles, tips, and seek inspiration to start your own journey.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a fat loss from 180 pounds to 152 pounds. A total loss of 28 pounds.
F/24/5'6" [Aprox 180 - 152= 28lbs] Been lurking and have hit a wall with motivation. Been very freaked out to post this, but need help to get my groove back. [NSFW - Undies]
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


This Reddit user, F/24, weighed around 180 lbs and lost 28 lbs to reach 152 lbs. However, she hit a wall with motivation and turned to the online community for help. This article shares her journey, including wins, struggles, and tips for others seeking to lose weight.

Starting Point

F/24 shares an image of herself in undies to showcase her starting point. She started by just monitoring her food, drinking water, and walking daily. As she saw results, she incorporated strength training and gradually increased the intensity of her workouts. She also cut back on alcohol and unhealthy snacking.

Struggles and Motivation

F/24 reveals she hit a wall with motivation after losing around 20 lbs, which is common with many weight loss journeys. She recognized that her busy schedule and lack of preparation (meal prepping) contributed to her struggle. However, reading success stories of others and seeking accountability helped her get back on track.

Tips and Advice

F/24 shared the following tips for those aiming to lose weight: 1. Start with small habits like drinking water and walking. 2. Incorporate strength training and gradually increase intensity. 3. Cut back on unhealthy snacking and drinking. 4. Seek support and accountability from an online community or a friend.


F/24's journey showcases that weight loss is a journey with ups and downs. However, by starting small, staying consistent, seeking motivation and support, and making healthy habits a part of one's lifestyle, one can achieve success. Seek inspiration from her journey and start your own today.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.