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Achieving a 52 Pound Weight Loss in 4 Months: a Detailed Account

Learn from a Reddit user's weight loss journey and discover how he lost 52 pounds in 4 months through scheduled meals and regular exercise.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'10" male showing a weight loss from 225 pounds to 173 pounds. A net loss of 52 pounds.
M/24/5'10" [225 lbs to 173 lbs] 4 months
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One Reddit user, sporkingtonz, had a remarkable weight loss journey. He lost 52 pounds in just four months, inspiring others to achieve their fitness goals. In this article, we will explore sporkingtonz's weight loss regimen, including his meal schedule and fitness routine.

Calorie Counting and Scheduled Meals

Sporkingtonz followed a strict diet by scheduling his meals and watching his calorie intake. He ate a small breakfast of about 200-250 calories, 400-600 calories for lunch, and 500-850 calories for dinner. He also snacked on fruits and low-calorie bread in between meals. By limiting his calorie intake to 2000 or less per day, he reached a calorie deficit of around 1500-2000 calories daily, translating to about 210,000 fewer calories consumed in just four months.

Cardio and Weight Lifting Routine

Sporkingtonz complemented his diet with rigorous exercise —cardio six days a week and weight lifting three to four times weekly. His 30-minute cardio session involved running hard on an uphill elliptical machine, hiking twice per month, and playing basketball or football three to four times a month. Sporkingtonz's weight lifting routine remains unknown. However, his exercise program spearheaded his remarkable weight loss journey.

Motivation and Steady Progress

Sporkingtonz’s weight loss regimen requires motivation and steady progress. He advised being consistent with your diet and weighing yourself once a week, on Monday morning. Sporkingtonz claimed to experience occasional plateaus losing only one or two pounds a week. However, he lost five pounds other weeks, attributing his success to consistent monitoring and the motivation provided by his partner.


Sporkingtonz's Reddit post provides an inspiring and detailed account of achieving a remarkable weight loss of 52 pounds in four months. While not suggesting others follow his footsteps without speaking to their doctor first, they can learn from his weight loss regimen and do similar things, such as prioritizing their diet, scheduling their meals, and rigorously working out. All in all, sporkingtonz's story demonstrates that determination, self-discipline, and consistency can lead to excellent fitness results in a relatively short period.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.