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User’s Journey From ~180 Lbs to 152 Lbs Through Dietary Adjustments

Read about a Reddit user, coconutlatte, who went from being overweight to healthy. Learn about her dietary adjustments and weight loss journey, with valuable insights and inspiration.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'6" woman showing a weight cut from 180 pounds to 152 pounds. A net loss of 28 pounds.
F/28/5'6" [~180 lbs > 152 lbs] Got my new driver's license picture today, face progress
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Coconutlatte, a 28-year-old female, struggled with her weight for a long time, and weighing around 180 lbs, and decided to make a change. In this article, we will look at how dietary adjustments can help in weight loss.

Dietary Adjustments

Coconutlatte cut down her calorie intake to 1300-1400 calories per day and included nutrients rich foods in her diet. She still indulges in sweets but with moderation. Cutting down soda intake to 1-2/month instead of 1-2/day has helped in her weight loss journey.

Positive Results

Coconutlatte lost around 28 lbs and went from weighing around 180 lbs to 152 lbs. A new driver’s license picture and the face progress motivated her to continue on her journey. She plans to lose another 10 lbs and start strength training to tone her muscles.

Importance of Walking

Coconutlatte hated cardio but found a way to keep moving by walking. With some of her co-workers, she started a couch-to-5k training that helped her to get off the couch and onto the road. Incorporating walking into her lifestyle has helped her to lose weight and keep her weight under control.


Coconutlatte’s experience shows that dietary adjustments, mindful eating, and exercise, even if it's walking, can result in weight loss. It is inspiring to see how these small changes made a considerable difference in her weight loss journey. If you are looking for inspiration, try incorporating these small changes into your daily routine and see the difference it creates.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.