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F/24's Inspirational Weight Loss Journey: From 165Lbs to 155Lbs in Just One Month!

Follow the inspiring journey of a young woman who's committed herself to a sustainable weight loss approach. Learn how she lost 10lbs in just one month and what tips and tricks she used.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'6" female showing a weight reduction from 165 pounds to 155 pounds. A net loss of 10 pounds.
F/24/5'6" [165lbs > 155lbs = 10lbs] (1 month) Slow and steady!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Achieving sustainable weight loss is a challenging process, but with patience, commitment, and healthy habits, it's possible to achieve remarkable results. In just one month, a young woman, who goes by the username '[deleted]' on Reddit, has managed to lose 10lbs using a slow and steady approach that focuses on healthy habits and lifestyle changes rather than drastic diets or extreme workouts.

The Journey

By following a healthy and balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough rest and hydration, '[deleted]' has managed to shed 10lbs in a month. She admits that it's not an easy process, and there were times when she felt demotivated or tempted to give up. However, she stuck to her goals, and the results speak for themselves.

Tips and Tricks

One of the things that helped '[deleted]' in her weight loss journey was tracking her food and workout progress using apps and journals, which allowed her to see her progress and stay on track. She also prioritized strength training over cardio, which helped her build muscle and boost her metabolism. Additionally, she made healthier choices when it came to her diet, such as eating more fruits and vegetables, reducing her sugar and carb intake, and avoiding processed foods.

The Takeaway

For anyone looking to lose weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle, '[deleted]'s journey is a great source of inspiration and advice. By focusing on sustainable habits and gradual progress, rather than short-term solutions or extreme measures, it's possible to achieve a healthy weight and improve overall wellbeing. Whether you're tracking your progress, prioritizing strength training, or making healthier food choices, there are many ways to make sustainable weight loss a reality.


If you're inspired by '[deleted]'s journey, take some time to reflect on your own weight loss goals and how you can implement healthy habits into your daily routine. Remember that sustainable weight loss takes time and effort, but by committing to the process and making gradual changes, you can achieve remarkable results over time. So, start small, be patient, and stay consistent. Your journey towards a healthier you starts today!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.