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M/20/5'8" 140 >165: 10 Month Progress in Building Muscle

This article reports on a Reddit user's progress in gaining muscle mass over 10 months, including their daily routine, diet, and supplement details.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'8" man showing a weight bulk from 140 pounds to 165 pounds. A respectable gain of 25 pounds.
M/20/5'8" 140----->165 10months progress. Meant to post for my cake day.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A Reddit user with the username Aeather has shared their 10-month journey of muscle-building and weight gain. They started at 140 pounds and reached 165 pounds in this period. They have shared their daily routine, diet, supplement details, and workout routine.

Workout Routine

Aeather followed a six-days-a-week workout routine, with one day off. They started with full-body circuits and moved on to body part-specific circuits. They followed a cycle of increasing sets and weight every few weeks. Their routine included arms and chest, back and shoulders, and legs and abs exercises.

Diet and Supplements

Aeather followed a high protein, low carb diet. They mainly ate two big meals a day and a small meal at night. Their supplements included ADREN.O.LYN BULK, dymatize elite whey, multivitamin for men, fish oil, and flax seed oil.

Advice and Conclusion

Aeather advises others to maintain focus on their goal, even if they cheat on their diet once in a while. They suggest selecting an excellent workout playlist to get pumped up and doing extra reps. Aeather's journey of bulking shows that dedication pays off in the end.


Aeather's journey can be inspiring to others who are looking to gain muscle mass. The lesson to be learned here is that with hard work, a properly designed routine, and discipline, anyone can achieve their goals of improving their physical health and body composition. It is recommended that one consult a fitness trainer before beginning such a journey and seek professional advice regarding their diet and supplement intake.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.