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How Distance Running, Heavy Compound Lifts, Steak and Butter Helped One Reddit User Lose 33 Pounds in 10 Months

Read about one man's journey to losing 33 pounds by incorporating distance running, heavy compound lifts, and a high-fat diet of steak and butter.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'10" male showing a weight loss from 188 pounds to 155 pounds. A total loss of 33 pounds.
M/35/5’10 [188 ——-> 155 = 33 lbs gone] distance running, heavy compound lifts, steak and butter. 10 months.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Weight loss can be a long and daunting journey, but for one Reddit user, it was a challenge worth taking on. Through a combination of distance running, heavy compound lifts, and a high-fat diet of steak and butter, this man was able to lose an impressive 33 pounds over the course of 10 months.

The Workout Plan

To achieve his weight loss goals, this Reddit user turned to a combination of long-distance running and heavy compound lifts. Running allowed him to burn calories and improve his cardiovascular health, while the heavy lifts helped him build and maintain muscle mass. This combination of activities helped him to achieve a leaner, more toned physique in addition to the weight loss.

The High-Fat Diet

In addition to his workout plan, this Reddit user also turned to a high-fat diet of steak and butter. While this may seem counterintuitive to those who typically associate weight loss with low-fat diets, the high-fat approach helped him feel fuller for longer periods of time and provided the energy he needed to power through his workouts. This approach may not work for everyone, but it worked for him.

Sticking with It

One of the biggest challenges of losing weight is sticking with a plan. For this Reddit user, it was important to stay motivated and focused, even when faced with setbacks or challenges. By setting realistic goals, tracking progress, and finding ways to stay accountable, he was able to maintain his weight loss over the course of several months.


While weight loss can be a challenging journey, it is possible to achieve success with the right combination of exercise and diet. By following his own plan of distance running, heavy compound lifts, and a high-fat diet, this Reddit user was able to lose 33 pounds and achieve a leaner, healthier physique. While this approach may not work for everyone, it's worth trying out for those looking to make a change in their own weight loss journey.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.