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How Reddit User Iwannalose50Lbs Lost 55 Pounds in One Year

Learn how Reddit user iwannalose50lbs hit his goal weight and continue to stay strong. Discover his weight loss tips and tricks to inspire your journey.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a fat loss from 240 pounds to 185 pounds. A respectable loss of 55 pounds.
M/30/5'11" [240lbs > 185lbs = 55lbs] (12 months) Hit my goal weight, still going strong.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Mental Mindset

After losing 55 pounds and hitting his goal weight, iwannalose50lbs emphasizes that 95% of weight loss journey is mental. No matter how someone chooses to lose weight, it all comes down to committing to a lifestyle change. Consistency is key and requires a sense of determination and motivation to stay on track.

A Mix of Everything

Iwannalose50lbs tried a bit of everything to lose weight: keto, calorie counting, cardio, circuit training, aerobic, and anaerobic workouts. Iwannalose50lbs's strategy to prevent losing motivation and sticking to the plan was to keep variety in his workouts.

Cardio vs. Lifting

Iwannalose50lbs did 75% cardio and 25% lifting, which consisted mostly of circuit training routines. After hitting his goal weight, iwannalose50lbs plans to switch to a 50/50 split and do more isolated (anaerobic) lifting and interval training. He suggests choosing workout routines to emulate the body type someone is going for, such as marathon runners, sprinters, swimmers, or weightlifters.

Take Inspiration from Others

Iwannalose50lbs's progress inspired many, including Reddit user ordinary_fing_person, who had the same starting weight and goal weight. By reading about iwannalose50lbs's journey and tips, ordinary_fing_person gained inspiration and ideas on what workouts to try next. Everyone can take inspiration from others on the same journey and learn from their experience.


Weight loss journey requires consistency, motivation, and a solid commitment to a healthy lifestyle change. Variety in workouts, combining cardio and lifting, and emulating workout routines for desired body types are great tips to help reach fitness goals. Iwannalose50lbs's inspiring journey shows that one can do anything with the right mindset and determination, regardless of how much weight they want to lose.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.