One Redditor's Journey Towards a Healthier Weight

Follow the inspiring story of a Reddit user as they share their weight loss progress and tips with the community.

Article by Madeleine Smith

Published 2 years ago

Originally posted on /r/progresspics

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💪 Weight Gain Progress

Starting Weight

Current Weight

BMI Change

20.3 → 23.8 3.5 point change

One anonymous Reddit user, known only by their deleted username, shared their weight loss journey with the community. Despite having deleted their original post, the story and advice they offer remain inspirational.

Beginning the Journey

The Redditor started off their journey at a weight of 267 pounds. They began by making small changes to their diet, such as replacing soda with water and gradually cutting back on junk food. They also incorporated exercise into their routine, first by walking and then by adding strength training.

Meeting Milestones

The user did not give a specific timeline, but they shared that they had lost a total of 55 pounds. They celebrated milestones such as being able to fit into clothing they previously couldn't and feeling more energized. They also noted that the mental health benefits of their weight loss were just as significant as the physical benefits.

Tips and Advice

The Redditor shared helpful tips and advice for others starting their own weight loss journey. They emphasized the importance of setting achievable goals and not being too hard on oneself. They also encouraged finding a form of exercise that is enjoyable and sustainable in the long run.

The anonymous Reddit user's weight loss journey serves as a reminder that small changes and consistent effort can lead to significant progress. With dedication, self-compassion, and a positive mindset, anyone can achieve their health and fitness goals. It's up to us to take the first step and start our own journey towards a healthier life.

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