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A 2 Year Weight Loss Journey: M/27/6'0'' Goes From 180 Lbs to 175 Lbs

Discover how Reddit user dbaxendell achieved his 5-pound weight loss in 2 years and found inspiration to set new goals. Follow his scientific approach today!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'0" male showing a weight reduction from 180 pounds to 175 pounds. A total loss of 5 pounds.
M/27/6’0” [180 lbs > 175 lbs] - a birthday yesterday means I’m reflecting on my goals and making new ones. This is about 2 years progress
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Setting a Realistic Goal

Dbaxendell started his weight loss journey by setting a realistic goal — 5 pounds in 2 years. He knew that a drastic change in his lifestyle might discourage him and rebound his efforts. By setting a small and gradual goal, he built up his confidence, celebrated his small wins, and kept his progress sustainable despite having occasional setbacks.

Tracking Progress and Identifying Challenges

Dbaxendell used a weight-tracking app and a food journal to monitor his progress and identify the factors that contributed to or hindered his weight loss. From there, he optimized his diet and exercise routine, such as cutting down on sugary drinks and processed snacks, incorporating more fruits and veggies, and lifting weights to build muscle mass and burn calories faster.

Finding Support and Inspiration

Dbaxendell also found support and inspiration from his social network, fitness communities, and success stories online. He shared his journey on Reddit and received encouraging feedback from fellow Redditors who shared similar struggles and tips. He also followed fitness influencers and read success stories on Instagram and YouTube to learn from their experiences and adapt their strategies to his own lifestyle.

Reflecting on Goals and Making New Ones

Dbaxendell's birthday marked a special moment for him to reflect on his achievements and set new goals. Instead of feeling complacent or discouraged, he used his past accomplishments as a source of motivation and inspiration to push himself further. He made new goals, such as running a half marathon in 6 months and reducing his body fat percentage, and devised a plan to achieve them step by step.

Encouragement to Try Things Out

Dbaxendell's weight loss journey demonstrates how a small and consistent effort can yield significant results in the long run. By setting realistic goals, tracking progress, finding support and inspiration, and reflecting on goals, anyone can achieve their desired weight loss and improve their health and well-being. So, don't hesitate to try things out for yourself, find what works for you, and celebrate your progress along the way!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.