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70Lbs Lost in 2 Years: F/22/5'3" Shares Non Scale Victories

Find out how reddit user weakassnerd lost 70lbs by moving more and celebrating their recent confidence boost in trying on new clothes.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'3" female showing a weight reduction from 210 pounds to 140 pounds. A net loss of 70 pounds.
F/22/5'3" [210lbs > 140lbs = 70lbs] (about 2 years) biggest non-scale victory I've noticed recently is being confident trying on new clothes!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user weakassnerd shared their impressive weight loss journey of 70lbs in just 2 years. Their recent non-scale victory is the confidence to try on new clothes. In this article, we'll explore their approach to weight loss and how little changes added up in the long run.

The biggest thing: move more!

According to weakassnerd, the biggest thing they did to shed pounds was to simply move more. They started to go on long walks around their neighborhood, as well as walking in place while watching TV or playing on their phone. They also wore a Fitbit to monitor their daily movement.

Little changes that add up

In addition to moving more, weakassnerd made several changes to their diet. They replaced unhealthy snacks with fruits and vegetables, cut back on fast food, and reduced their portion sizes. They also started tracking their meals and monitoring their intake to make sure they were staying in a calorie deficit.

Non-scale victories

While weight loss is a significant achievement, it's important to celebrate non-scale victories as well. For weakassnerd, feeling more confident trying on new clothes was a major win. They advise others to celebrate the little victories, as these can sometimes be the best wins.


Weakassnerd's weight loss journey is proof that making small changes and moving more can lead to significant results over time. With dedication and a positive mindset, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals. As weakassnerd advises, celebrate the little victories and keep moving forward towards a healthier lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.