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A Journey From 137 to 127: Building Muscle While Losing 10 Pounds

Read about a Reddit user's weight loss journey that involved cardio, HIIT, weight lifting, and pilates. Gain insights and tips for your own journey.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'3" woman showing a fat loss from 137 pounds to 127 pounds. A net loss of 10 pounds.
F/28/5'3 [137>115>127= 10 lbs lost but muscle gained] (1.5 years) Cardio & HIIT from 137 > 115. Picked up weight lifting & pilates and now up to 127. Feeling healthier, stronger, and much more confident!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

From Cardio to a Balanced Workout

The Reddit user started her journey with cardio and HIIT exercises, which helped her lose a significant amount of weight. However, she realized that she wanted to build muscle and develop a more balanced physique. She started incorporating weight lifting and pilates to her routine, and she soon saw significant changes in her body composition.

Losing 10 Pounds without Sacrificing Muscle Mass

The user's weight journey was not just about losing weight but also building muscle. She went from 137 to 115 pounds through cardio and HIIT. However, she gained some of the weight back while building muscle, and she is now at 127 pounds. The significant change is not in her weight, but in her body composition. She is now leaner, stronger, and healthier.

Sticking to a Routine and Pushing Through Plateaus

One of the lessons the user learned from her weight journey is the importance of sticking to a routine. Most people give up easily when they do not see immediate results. She also encountered plateaus during her journey, but she pushed through them by trying new exercises or sticking to her routine. She learned that progress takes time and patience.

Feeling More Confident and Healthier

The user's weight journey is not just physical but also emotional. She feels much more confident in her body and in herself. She also feels healthier and more energized, which reflects in all aspects of her life. Her journey is a testament that weight loss and muscle gain are possible with dedication and a balanced workout.

Tips for Your Weight Journey

If you want to start your weight journey, here are some tips from the Reddit user: start slow and find what works for you, be consistent, stick to a routine, and do not give up. Remember, progress takes time, but it is worth it. Whether your goal is to lose weight or build muscle, find a workout that you enjoy and that challenges you. Do not be afraid to try new exercises or seek advice from experts.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.