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A 22 Year Old's 50 Lbs Weight Journey: Diet and Exercise Plan Revealed

Read about a 22 year old's 50 lbs weight loss journey, including their diet and exercise regimens. See before and after pictures and get inspired!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'6" female showing a weight loss from 196 pounds to 166 pounds. A respectable loss of 30 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'6" female showing a weight loss from 196 pounds to 166 pounds. A respectable loss of 30 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'6" female showing a weight loss from 196 pounds to 166 pounds. A respectable loss of 30 pounds.
196lbs-166lbs 22/F/5'6" - in honor of my cake day, here's what I've been up to the last 5 months. (work in progress)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


The Reddit user, gharbutts, recently posted their 50 lbs weight loss journey in the course of five months. Their post generated over 350 upvotes from other Redditors. Gharbutts' story can be an inspiration to others who are struggling to lose weight.


Gharbutts started counting their calories and reducing their intake from 2500+ to 1800 calories daily, then gradually down to 1400 calories daily, which is now their diet. Gharbutts primarily eats fruits and vegetables and aims for 35% protein from fish and plant sources with occasional lean cuts of beef, ham or bacon.


Gharbutts' exercise plan started with walking and C25k and strength training 2-3 times per week, but due to injury, they transitioned to gym visits (4-6x per week) with biking, walking, rowing and kettlebell swings for cardio, and regular strength training. Gharbutts resumed interval running, which they love, once their knee healed. Gharbutts also took advantage of 2 free hours of personal trainer sessions via gym vouchers.


Gharbutts transformed from 196 lbs to 166 lbs in five months with a combination of diet and exercise. Gharbutts' body composition noticeably changed, with smoother skin and smaller thighs. Although they plateaued at 170 lbs, Gharbutts kept variations in their exercise routine and was able to steadily reduce their measurements. Gharbutts' ultimate goal is to keep up with their new lifestyle indefinitely.


Gharbutts' post highlights the importance of consistency and making time for weight loss. Their story can inspire others to take control of their health and well-being. By modifying diet and exercise, Gharbutts successfully transformed their body in just five months. Anyone can do the same by taking small steps and making healthy lifestyle changes one at a time.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.