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Journey to Weight Loss: a Reddit User's Story

Follow one Reddit user's journey to weight loss, documented through their posts and comments.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'2" female showing a weight loss from 130 pounds to 120 pounds. A total loss of 10 pounds.


Losing weight is a challenging process that often requires commitment and hard work. One Reddit user, who has since deleted their account, shared their weight loss journey with the world. Through their posts and comments, we can see the ups and downs of weight loss and the strategies that worked for them.

Starting Point

At the beginning of their journey, the user noted that they weighed 230 pounds and were unhappy with their body. They tried various diets and exercises over the years but never found success until they committed to a low-carb diet and regularly lifting weights. They started at just three days a week in the gym, gradually working up to six days a week.

Plateaus and Setbacks

As with any weight loss journey, the user experienced plateaus and setbacks. They noted several times that they had gained weight back or their progress had stalled. However, they used these setbacks as motivation to continue pushing themselves and finding new ways to stay on track.

The Plan That Worked

After much trial and error, the user found a plan that worked for them. They focused on a high protein, low-carb diet and intense weightlifting sessions. They also incorporated daily walks and cut out sugary drinks. Through this combination, they were able to lose 80 pounds over the course of a year and a half.


This user's journey highlights the importance of finding a plan that works for your body and committing to it fully. They also demonstrate the value of perseverance in the face of setbacks and the importance of self-reflection in determining what works best for your body. If you're struggling with weight loss, take inspiration from this user's journey and keep trying until you find what works for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.