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Personal Weight Journey of Reddit User T Pric3: Cut 40 and Bulk 20

This article follows T_pric3's transformation journey shared on Reddit over 8 months, losing 40 pounds in 3 months and gaining 20 in the following 5 months

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'8" male showing a weight reduction from 180 pounds to 160 pounds. A respectable loss of 20 pounds.
M/18/5’8 [180>137>160 = Cut 40, bulked 20] Lost 40 over 3 months, gained 20 over 5 months.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


T_pric3, a Reddit user shared their impressive weight transformation journey, with a total of losing 40 lbs over three months, followed by a 20lb gain over the next five months. This article follows their story, and takes a scientific look at the approach they used to achieve this impressive transformation.

The Cut Phase

The first three months of T_pric3's weight loss journey was a period of cutting, which involved a caloric deficit achieved through modified diet and exercise. T_pric3 shared that they used intermittent fasting, which helped them to cut down calories and stick to the diet plan. Additionally, T_pric3 started going to the gym regularly, focusing on cardio and compound movements like bench press, deadlifts, squats, and pull-ups to ensure proper muscle-maintenance.

The Bulk Phase

During the next five months, T_pric3 started a bulking phase by adding more calories to their diet and focusing on building lean muscle mass. T_pric3 continued going to the gym and focused on doing more weighted exercises to gradually increase muscle mass. T_pric3 also talked about the importance of tracking the macros intake regularly to maintain the balance of nutrients required for muscle building and growth.

Importance of Consistency

In T_pric3's journey, consistency was the key to their transformation. T_pric3 stuck to a strict regimen of diet and gym routine, gradually increasing cardio and weight-lifting circuits to ensure that weight loss goals were met, while also building lean muscle mass during the second phase. Additionally, T_pric3 moderated their diet carefully and measured progress regularly, which undoubtedly contributed to the success of this weight loss journey.


T_pric3's weight loss journey offers valuable insights into what can be achieved through consistency, diet, and exercise. Though T_pric3's plan may seem daunting, it showcased an effective approach to losing weight, developing lean muscle mass during a bulking phase, and the importance of regular measurement and accountability for progress. While not every weight-loss approach is suitable for everyone, it is essential to try different approaches, mix and match based on individual preferences, and most importantly, stick to the plan to achieve the desired results.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.