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From 170Lbs to 142Lbs: a Woman's 7 Month Weight Loss Journey

Discover how a woman accomplished a 28lbs weight loss in 7 months through healthy eating choices, fell walking, pilates, and yoga.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'2" female showing a weight loss from 170 pounds to 142 pounds. A total loss of 28 pounds.
F/28/5'2 [170lbs >142lbs =28lbs] (7 months). Was feeling a little deflated as I still couldn't see in myself that I had lost weight, managed to find a photo from late last year and can't believe it!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is undoubtedly a challenging process but can be an incredibly fulfilling experience. For one woman, who weighed 170lbs, managing to lose 28lbs in just seven months brought about an almost shocking realization. She took to Reddit to share her weight loss journey and ultimately inspired thousands of people.

How She Did It

The woman attributed her success to her diet choices and physical activity. Initially, she joined Slimming World and during those few weeks, effectively cut all unhealthy snacking and cooking habits, and started making healthier meal options. When she left the program, she continued with the better eating decisions, incorporating more vegetables and fewer carbs into her meals. Additionally, she found joy in fell walking, which is trekking across high and wild mountain-scapes, in the Lake District. She searched for more walking locations close to her and joined a new gym to include regular Pilates and yoga.

Staying Focused on Goals

This woman accurately experienced fluctuating weigh-ins and found that they did not hinder her progress. Instead, she used them as motivation to keep going. The numbers on the scale were important to her, but she was mindful of being too harsh on herself during events and dining out situations.

Her goal was to make long-term healthy eating habits by providing herself room to enjoy herself now and again. She remembers reading somewhere that in six months, individuals who started making changes to their routine will be thrilled that they did- and found that to be motivating enough.

Results and Inspiration

Losing almost 30 lbs within seven months was a significant accomplishment for this woman, and the photos she took of herself displayed her visible transformations. For a while, she did not see the progress herself, but others, including Reddit users, noticed it in as little as four to eight weeks.

People commented that she looked fantastic and that it was inspiring to see such impressive weight loss. One user commented, saying that finding someone with similar height, starting weight, and age is the much-needed inspiration they require to keep going.

Interestingly, the woman received several comments on her nearly nonexistent waist — giving her yet another boost of confidence.


This woman's journey exemplifies that consistent determination, healthy eating habits, and a variety of physical activity can lead to successful and sustainable weight loss. While her journey worked primarily for her, one can still experiment with different eating habits and physical activity to see what fits best for their lifestyle. The woman's confidence in sharing her story is contagious, so it's no doubt that others would try out what she did to witness their own glow-up journey.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.