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One Man’s Weight Journey: Losing 20 Pounds in One Year Through Exercise and an Evolving Diet

Read about a M/34/5'11 man who loses 20 pounds in one year through weight training and dietary changes. Learn about his struggles and successes.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'11" man showing a weight cut from 245 pounds to 225 pounds. A respectable loss of 20 pounds.
M/34/5'11 [245>225] one year of weight training and a so so diet. Trying to get the diet under is hard for me. Not the best transformation here but I'm proud of myself. 6 months before the "before" I was at my heaviest at 264
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A man in his mid-thirties, standing at 5'11 and weighing 245 pounds, embarked on a weight loss journey through regular exercise and healthier eating habits. He posted images on Reddit to share his progress, revealing a weight loss of 20 pounds. Although shy about his progress, he’s proud of himself and his accomplishments. Let's dive in and take a deeper look into his journey.

The Journey Begins

The man started with a so-so diet, but has gradually evolved to a healthier way of eating. The transformation we see in the before-and-after pictures did not come overnight - it took him one year. Within that year, he lost 20 pounds through regular weight training and adopting a healthier lifestyle. His ultimate goal is to lose another 20-25 pounds so he can get to his ideal weight. It’s a journey he’s taken upon himself, and he shares updates on his progress for others who may be in the same shoes.

The Struggle

Losing weight is not easy for many people, including the man in question. He shares that he has struggled with keeping up with his diet but admits it’s crucial to weight loss. One of the main challenges is adjusting to a low-carb diet while still finding alternatives that taste good. Additionally, the man also admits to struggling with emotional eating that hinders his progress. However, by acknowledging his weaknesses and taking things day by day, he’s determined to keep going.

Celebrating Progress

The man is proud of his progress, acknowledging that it’s not the best transformation but it’s a significant achievement for himself. For anyone embarking on their weight loss journey, it can be tough, and progress may feel slow. However, it is important to celebrate each small win along the way to help stay motivated. The man in question shares that he has seen improvements in his physical and mental health, which serves as his motivation to keep moving forward.

Final Thoughts

It’s always inspiring to hear success stories of individuals taking their health into their own hands. In this case, the man did not follow a fad diet or magic pill, but instead committed himself to regular exercise and adopting healthy habits. He admits that it’s not always easy, but he keeps at it because he knows it’s worth it. If you’re also on your weight loss journey, remember to take it one step at a time, don’t beat yourself up for setbacks, and progress - no matter how small - is still progress.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.