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Amazing 60Lb Weight Loss Journey After Regaining 40Lb

Follow mahmaj's journey from 240lb to 180lb over almost 3 years using My Fitness Pal, exercise and avoiding processed foods. See her stunning before and after photos.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'5" woman showing a fat loss from 240 pounds to 180 pounds. A net loss of 60 pounds.
F/51/5’5” [240>180=60 lbs.] Almost 3 years. After losing the 40 lbs. I regained, I am finally well on my way to my goal of 150.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Mahmaj's incredible weight loss journey

Mahmaj, a 51-year old female who stands at 5’5’’, lost 60lb over almost three years after regaining 40lb. She is now well on her way to her goal of 150lb. Check out mahmaj's Loseit post history on Reddit if you would like more information about her journey.

The secret to effective weight-loss

Mahmaj attributes her success to tracking macros on My Fitness Pal, higher protein, lower carbs, avoiding sugar and processed foods, and doing a lot of exercise, specifically swimming and HIIT training.

Motivation for women over 50

Mahmaj's incredible transformation has motivated other women over 50 to try managing their weight as well. According to one Reddit user: 'Your photograph is literally what motivates me to keep going. You look amazing!'

The science behind it

Mahmaj's journey confirms the scientific fact that sustained, moderate calorie restriction and exercise are the best methods for sustained weight loss. Tracking your calories and making healthier food choices, combined with exercise, can help with weight management.

Tips for losing weight and maintaining weight loss

If you have been struggling with weight gain and loss, Mahmaj's tips may help you achieve your weight loss goals. Consider tracking your food intake on an app like My Fitness Pal, incorporating exercise, eating more protein and vegetables, and avoiding processed foods and excess sugar.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.