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27 Year Old Man Loses 14 Pounds in 4 Months

This reddit user lost 14 pounds in just 4 months using the Leangains method, without counting calories or doing cardio.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'7" male showing a fat loss from 174 pounds to 160 pounds. A total loss of 14 pounds.
A picture of a 5'7" male showing a fat loss from 174 pounds to 160 pounds. A total loss of 14 pounds.
M/27/5'7 (174 to 160) 4 months time
Originally posted on /r/Brogress


The user kingcato on Reddit shared his weight loss journey, which inspired many of his followers. In just four months, he lost 14 pounds and went from 174 to 160 pounds. He attributes his success to the Leangains method, which he says is the key to his weight loss.

The Leangains Method

Kingcato says he achieved his weight loss using the Leangains method, which is a type of intermittent fasting. This approach involves scheduling your meals and fasting for a certain period each day, usually 16 hours. This method is meant to help people lose weight while also gaining muscle.

No Counting Calories or Cardio

One of the most interesting things about kingcato's weight loss journey is that he did not count calories or do cardio. He says he simply followed the Leangains method, ate foods high in protein like fish and chicken and avoided alcohol. He also drinks a 75 g protein shake every day, which helps him reach his protein goals.

Consistency is Key

Kingcato says the key to his success was being consistent. He stuck with the Leangains method every day and didn't let setbacks discourage him. He recommends taking progress pictures to help motivate yourself, so you can see the changes in your body over time.


If you're struggling to lose weight, kingcato's success story may inspire you to try the Leangains method. While this method may not work for everyone, it's worth a shot if you're looking for a new approach to weight loss. Remember that consistency is key, so stick with the method and be patient with yourself. And as always, talk to your doctor before starting any new diet or exercise routine.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.