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5 Year Weight Journey: Inconsistent Training and Dieting but Still Happy

Read about a Reddit user's 5-year weight journey and their progress from 110 to 160 pounds. Although inconsistency and lack of motivation hindered their progress, they still achieved their desired outcome.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'6" male showing a muscle gain from 110 pounds to 160 pounds. A total gain of 50 pounds.
M/24/5'6" 110 -> 160 Five years of inconsistent training/dieting :/ but I'm happy with where I can get from this point on
Originally posted on /r/Brogress


A Reddit user named kyletr shared their weight journey on the site, and it has garnered 80 upvotes and various comments. Kyletr's journey is an example of the importance of consistency when it comes to training and dieting.

Inconsistent Training and Dieting

Kyletr's progress over the past five years has been remarkable. However, it's not that impressive for a five-year period. The progress was stunted by laziness and a lack of motivation. There were moments when they would be so motivated to work out and eat right, but it would only last for a month or two. They would then give up and go back to their old habits.

Importance of Motivation

Motivation is an integral part of building a better body. Lack of motivation can hinder one's progress, just like in Kyletr's journey. Kyletr's progress proves that anything is possible with a little bit of determination, commitment and discipline.

Starting the Cut Now

One of the comments suggested that Kyletr should start the cut now. However, Kyletr opted to continue on a slow bulk and progress in their lifts. They could also try lean bulking, but the comment suggested losing some of the fat to add some definition to their muscles.


Kyletr's weight journey proves that consistency and motivation are crucial in achieving one's goals. Although Kyletr's progress may not have been perfect, it is still inspiring to see how far they have come. Everyone can use Kyletr's story as a motivation to start their own weight journey, commit and aim for the best results.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.