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Female Loses Significant Weight Personal Account

Read about a 32-year-old woman's weight loss journey from 236lbs with the help of exercise and diet changes.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'7" female showing a snapshot of 236 pounds at a height of 5'7
Introduction: Fat Loss/Female/32/5'7”/236lbs
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


At the age of 32 and weighing 236lbs, Reddit user thinittowinit sought out to lose weight through exercise and dietary changes. She chronicled her journey in a series of posts on the platform.

Exercise routine

Thinittowinit incorporated a mix of strength training and cardio into her exercise routine, attending boot camp classes three times a week and jogging on the weekends. She also made an effort to incorporate more movement into her daily life, such as taking the stairs at work and going for walks during breaks.

Diet changes

In addition to exercise, thinittowinit made some significant changes to her diet. She cut out sugar and processed foods, opting for whole foods such as lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. She also practiced intuitive eating, listening to her body's hunger and fullness signals and avoiding overeating.


Over the course of several months, thinittowinit was able to shed a significant amount of weight and improve her overall health. She reported feeling more energized and confident, and her clothes began to fit better. More importantly, she felt proud of herself for committing to a healthier lifestyle and sticking with it.


Thinittowinit's weight loss journey is an inspiring reminder that with dedication and commitment, significant changes are possible. By prioritizing both exercise and healthy eating habits, she was able to make sustainable changes that led to a healthier, happier life. While everyone's weight loss journey will look different, her experience offers valuable insights and strategies that others can try out for themselves.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.