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A Reddit User's Weight Journey: From Bulking up to Reaching Their Goal Weight

Read about a Reddit user's journey of gaining weight and reaching their goal weight through bulking up.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'9" man showing a snapshot of 190 pounds at a height of 5'9
A progress pic of a 5'9" man showing a snapshot of 190 pounds at a height of 5'9
A progress pic of a 5'9" man showing a snapshot of 190 pounds at a height of 5'9
A progress pic of a 5'9" man showing a snapshot of 190 pounds at a height of 5'9
Completion: Bulking/Male/24/5'9"/190lbs
Originally posted on /r/BTFC

Introduction: A Journey of Bulking Up

For many people, weight loss is a tough challenge, but for some, gaining weight can be just as hard. One Reddit user decided to take on the challenge of bulking up, and finally reached his goal weight after months of hard work and dedication.

The Starting Point: From Skinny to Bulking Up

The Reddit user started out at a weight of 150 pounds, with a lean but skinny body type. He began by eating more calories than his body was burning, and followed a rigorous weight lifting routine to build up his muscles. After months of bulking up, he gained 40 pounds, finally reaching his goal weight of 190 pounds.

The Challenges: Staying Focused and Motivated

During his weight gain journey, the Reddit user faced various challenges, such as staying focused on his diet and exercise routine. There were times when he felt demotivated and struggled to stay on track, but he persisted and eventually found ways to keep himself motivated, such as listening to music or working out with friends.

The Lessons Learned: Patience and Persistence Pay Off

From his weight journey, the Reddit user learned that patience and persistence are key to achieving any goal. He also found that tracking his progress and setting realistic goals helped him stay on track and motivated. Additionally, he emphasized that everyone's body is different, and that it's important to find the right diet and exercise routine that works for one's body type and lifestyle.

Conclusion: Encouragement to Try It Out

This Reddit user's weight gain journey is proof that with hard work and dedication, it's possible to achieve any fitness goal. Whether it's losing or gaining weight, the key is to stay patient, motivated, and persistent. If you're looking to bulk up or reach any other fitness goal, take inspiration from this user's journey, and try things out for yourself, finding what works best for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.