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Bulking Journey of Kaythxbai: Achieving Healthier Weight Through Proper Diet

Read about kaythxbai's journey in gaining weight through proper diet and exercise, and apply his learnings to your own health journey.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'6" male showing a snapshot of 138 pounds at a height of 5'6
A before and after photo of a 5'6" male showing a snapshot of 138 pounds at a height of 5'6
A before and after photo of a 5'6" male showing a snapshot of 138 pounds at a height of 5'6
A before and after photo of a 5'6" male showing a snapshot of 138 pounds at a height of 5'6
Introduction: Bulking/Male/19/5'6"/63kg
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


Meet kaythxbai, a 19-year-old male who stands 5’6” tall and weighs only 63kg. Seeking for a healthier body and lifestyle, he decided to embark on a weight gain journey through proper diet and exercise. With his post on reddit, he aims to share his experiences and learnings to motivate others who are also wanting to attain their fitness goals.

Starting Point and Motivation

Kaythxbai starts off by describing his initial weight and body mass index (BMI), which fall below the normal range for his age and height. This fueled his interest in improving his health and well-being by committing to a fitness program that is sustainable and enjoyable. His motivation to push through comes from his desire to feel stronger, healthier, and more confident with his body.

Bulking Diet Plan

Kaythxbai shares his dietary approach for gaining weight, which involves consuming more calories and protein than he usually would, and tracking his macronutrient intake throughout the day. He also highlights the importance of eating nutrient-dense foods such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and lean protein sources. He mentions that starting small and making gradual changes helped him stick to his new diet plan without feeling overwhelmed.

Exercise Program

Kaythxbai also emphasizes the role of exercise in his weight gain journey. He incorporates strength training into his routine, which includes lifting weights and bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, and squats. He also does cardio exercises such as running and cycling for endurance and cardiovascular health. He tracks his workout progress to monitor his improvements and set new fitness goals.


Kaythxbai’s weight gain journey highlights the importance of proper diet and exercise in achieving a healthier body and lifestyle. By setting realistic goals and making small changes in his eating and exercise habits, he successfully gained weight and improved his health. His story inspires others to take charge of their own fitness journey, to seek advice and support from others, and most importantly, to enjoy the process of becoming a healthier and happier person.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.