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35 Year Old Male's Weight Loss Journey: Shedding Those Last Few Pounds

Follow a 35-year-old male's journey as he documents his struggle to lose weight and reach his goal weight. Get inspired and try out his successful tips and techniques for yourself.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'9" male showing a snapshot of 195 pounds at a height of 5'9
A before and after photo of a 5'9" male showing a snapshot of 195 pounds at a height of 5'9
A before and after photo of a 5'9" male showing a snapshot of 195 pounds at a height of 5'9
A before and after photo of a 5'9" male showing a snapshot of 195 pounds at a height of 5'9
Introduction: 35 / M / 5'9" / 195lbs / Last Few Pounds
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


Meet lasertag, a 35-year-old man who stands at 5'9" and weighed in at 195lbs when he started his weight loss journey. In his Reddit post, lasertag expresses his determination to lose those last few pounds.

Setting a Goal

According to lasertag, setting realistic and measurable goals is key to achieving success in weight loss. He set a goal of losing one pound per week by tracking his calorie intake and increasing his exercise. He kept himself accountable by tracking his progress and shared it with others on online platforms like Reddit.

Mindful Eating Habits

In his journey to lose weight, lasertag emphasized the importance of developing mindful eating habits. He learned to listen to his body's signals of hunger and fullness by eating slowly and savoring each bite. He also avoided eating when distracted by devices or television, which helped him control his calorie intake and eliminate unnecessary snacking.

Regular Exercise

To achieve his goal of losing one pound a week, lasertag increased his physical activity through regular exercise sessions. He started small by going for daily walks and gradually increased his workout intensity and duration over time. He also incorporated strength training exercises into his routine to build muscle, which helped him burn more calories throughout his day.


lasertag's weight loss journey serves as an inspiration to many who are struggling to shed those last few pounds. His success can be attributed to his commitment to setting achievable goals, developing mindful eating habits, and incorporating regular exercise into his routine. If you are also trying to lose weight, try out lasertag's methods and techniques and see what works best for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.